Swancircle | Insights

Everyone Is a Designer

Written by Gretchen Hendricks | October 19, 2023

I must get something off my chest; I'm sure many designers can relate. You must have heard, "I've got Photoshop, I can do my own designs!"? I've been hearing it more and more lately.


“Why don’t you just AI it?”

“I know someone else who can do it cheaper.”

“My nephew is a designer.”

“Make the logo bigger.”

It's like someone getting a first aid kit and claiming they're a doctor. Yes, you can put on a plaster, but would you trust them with surgery? 

I get it. Design software is out there for everyone. But being a professional is more than just playing around with tools. It's about understanding design, colour, typography, and, more importantly, the message behind a brand.

Consider this: Would you let an 'accountant' without credentials or experience handle your finances? No! Just like that, why settle for a half-baked design?

Why is design needed?

Design is an integral component of branding and business. It shapes how the public perceives a brand, how effectively it communicates its messages, and how cohesive and professional a brand appears across all its representations.

Brand Consistency - Design creates a consistent visual identity for a brand across all platforms and touchpoints. This consistency makes the brand easily recognisable, thereby increasing its memorability. A well-designed logo, colour palette, and typography help unify all brand materials, from websites to advertisements.

Visual Harmony - Good design ensures that all visual elements coexist harmoniously on a platform. This means that colours, shapes, and texts complement each other, making the content appealing and easy for the viewer's eyes. This harmony can keep the audience engaged and reduce the chances of them being overwhelmed or distracted.

Brand Perception - How a brand is perceived can be influenced by its design. High-quality, professional design often translates to a perception of professionalism, trustworthiness, and quality in the brand itself. On the contrary, poor design can make a brand seem untrustworthy or of lower value.

Brand Communication - Design isn't just about aesthetics; it's a medium of communication. Through visuals, brands can communicate their values, story, and mission without explicitly stating them. This can help in conveying complex messages in a more digestible and engaging manner.

Business Stationery - Well-designed business stationery, such as letterheads, business cards, and envelopes, portrays a professional image of the company. When consistently designed, these elements leave a positive and lasting impression on partners, clients, and stakeholders. They not only serve their primary functional purpose but also act as marketing tools, reinforcing the brand identity every time they are used.

What is the value of design?

Design is more than just aesthetics; it's a strategic tool that bridges a brand and its audience. The value is multifaceted, offering tangible and intangible benefits that can shape perceptions, influence decisions, and drive business success.

Enhance Brand Identity: A well-thought-out design establishes a strong visual identity, setting a brand apart in a crowded marketplace and making it instantly recognisable.

Improve User Experience: Whether it's a product, website, or app, good design prioritises user experience, ensuring that the audience can navigate easily and intuitively, leading to increased user satisfaction and loyalty.

Drive Engagement: Engaging designs can captivate audiences, keeping them interested and connected to the content or product longer. This can lead to increased conversions and customer retention.

Convey Professionalism: High-quality design often signifies a brand's commitment to excellence, suggesting reliability and trustworthiness to potential clients or customers.

Facilitate Communication: Through visuals, design can communicate complex messages more effectively than words alone. It has the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and represent brand values succinctly.

Boost ROI: Investing in professional design can lead to a higher return on investment. A well-designed website, product packaging, or advertising campaign can attract more customers and drive sales.

Encourage Consistency: Consistent design across all brand touchpoints reinforces brand identity.

What happens when you don't consider design?


Sometimes, sophisticated designs can hurt the user experience. Sadly, not all brilliant designs are excellent, especially when they cause issues with usability, discoverability, or accessibility.


This webpage is quite problematic! The small fonts make reading difficult, and the left-side red menu is confusing, with random links in big text blocks. 


The artwork is intended to say “Anak Malaysia,” meaning “Child of Malaysia.”

However, the wording was stylised to include the crescent and star of the Malaysian flag. In addition to giving the impression that the phrase reads “Anal Malaysia,” the design also gives the impression that there is a figure squatting between the two words.

So, next time you think of design, consider it an investment, not an expense. Your business deserves more than a quick logo off a bargain website. Give it the identity it needs to truly shine. 

Get in touch, and let us help you elevate your brand with the right design choices.